This Tuesday, January 9, 2018 is men/women divide and conquer!
Women will gather at the Kohl’s at 6:00 to finish up the Philippians study.
We will do soup, salad, and bread. Julie will provide a soup of some kind.
Please respond with what you will bring, ladies. We will need one or two more soups.
Men will gather at Sonrise Church at 6:00 to serve the homeless that gather there for the night.
Either eat before you come or you can eat there…they serve dinner! Email Tom at or call him at 503-799-0342 for questions
Unless otherwise noted this community meets for dinner on Tuesdays at 6:00pm at the Kohl’s home 5244 SE Pine St., Hillsboro, OR 9712 Contact Julie at 503-313-1984 or Tom at 503-799-0342 for questions